Hong Kong Spring Electronics Fair – Hong Kong Electronics FairOne of the leading electronics exhibitions in the world. HKTDC Hong Kong Spring Electronics Fair returns with great success and is the best choice to expand your business network. Exhibitors can grab the golden opportunity to participate in this high-profile electronics event and connect with leading buyers in the global industry. Through Asia’s leading electronics trading platform, exhibitors can directly connect with the industry’s leading buyers and grow their businesses at full speed.
Hong Kong Spring Electronics Show – Hong Kong Consumer Electronics Show (Hong Kong Electronics Show) A variety of electronic products include: wearable electronics, 3D printing, home connected, unmanned technology, audiovisual products, branded electronics, environmental protection and energy saving, i-World, packaging and design, navigation systems, innovative inventions, telecommunications equipment and services testing and certification.
The Hong Kong Electronics Fair is a good platform to promote products. We can take this opportunity to share with the industry the new features of Windows 10, such as Cortana, FaceOnLog, Continuum and Wireless Display, and mobile solutions will be the technology of the future. orient yourself.
Hong Kong Spring Electronics Show – Hong Kong Consumer Electronics Show (Hong Kong Electronics Show), companies from 23 countries and regions participated in the exhibition, breaking previous records . At the Hong Kong Electronics Fair, you can see that all the exhibits here are mobile devices, with very strong development momentum and more diversified functions. (The copyright of this article belongs to Juzhan, and no transmission is permitted without consent)
Exhibition scope:
Electronic exhibition space:Spring electronics exhibition area: audiovisual products; electronic products for babies; electronic manufacturing products of environmental protection products; -definition imagery; household appliances; electronic and navigation systems for automobiles; design of packaging machines; electronic security products; products; wireless and communications, etc.
International Information Exhibition (TIC) Zone:Applications area; cloud and mobile business applications; digital marketing and e-commerce; business solutions and information technology outsourcing services; telecommunications, networks and data centers; (The copyright of this article belongs to Juzhan, and no transmission is permitted without consent)
This information is compiled and edited by Juzhan.com staff. We are a service platform that collects global exhibition times and locations, ticket purchases, booth requests, exhibitor listings and exhibition catalogs. Please indicate the source if it is reproduced.
Hong Kong Spring Electronics Show – Hong Kong Consumer Electronics Show
Hong Kong Electronics Fair
Accommodation area: Hong Kong
Exhibition date: April 13, 2025 – April 16, 2025
Opening and closing hours: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Location: 1 Expo Drive Wanchai Hong Kong
Exhibition area: 43,000
Number of viewers: 61768
Holding period: 2 times a year
Organizer: Hong Kong Trade Development Council
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