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Paid Advertising and Campaigns: 6 Insights to Maximize Every PPC Dollar

you have so many Options for marketing your New York event. Figuring out the best use of marketing dollars can be difficult.

Google’s ever-changing algorithms may make you rethink content and SEO optimization. Social media marketing is taking up more and more of your time because there are so many platforms.

Paid advertising may be the best option you are looking for. Targeting is more sophisticated and paid advertising is more effective than ever. In this article, we share six insights on how to maximize every PPC dollar.

Google Ads Go Beyond Search Engine

Google’s search results are always changing, with elements like AI overviews and featured snippets taking up more space. But don’t give up on your Google Ads budget just yet.

according to higher visibilityGoogle Ads can be seen on 650,000 apps. This means your active ads can appear in any number of apps for each user. Its incredible reach makes Google Ads the top investment for marketing campaigns, although more and more Turn to social media Used for search results.

Gen Z is more likely to search for event information on social media

Young users increasingly search TikTok and Instagram Find what they’re looking for – including event information. this means Event planners must try harder Maintain a presence on these social media platforms. Paid ads on TikTok and Instagram need to be visually appealing and highly engaging to stand out from other content.

Users like ads

Advertisements get a bad rap, especially when they appear before the best parts of your favorite reality show. Therefore, it’s easy to think that online paid advertising is just as intrusive as television advertising, but that’s not necessarily true.

According to, 75% of users think Paid advertising makes life easier Show them what they are looking for. This makes sense when you consider that the internet is a huge place. Users can jump from search engines to social media sites to event platforms without having to find the festival or music event they crave. Targeted ads use this search history to be shown to users who have agreed to purchase tickets.

Paid advertising increases conversion rates

That’s probably why also found that visitors who arrived through paid ads were 50% more likely to make a purchase. This could be because the user who clicked the ad is in the ready-to-buy stage of the customer journey.

People who arrive via organic search may still be in the fact-gathering stage of the customer journey. The more they research, the closer they are to purchasing. With targeted ads, users may see paid ads for your event when they’re ready to trigger the event.

Facebook is still relevant to every demographic

New social media platforms are emerging all the time. But none of them have succeeded in replacing Facebook as the top social media platform. According to “Xinya Social” reportAmericans spend an average of 31 minutes on Facebook every day. Most importantly, Facebook remains relevant to Millennials, with users aged 25-34 accounting for a quarter of active Facebook users in the United States

YouTube offers the best value for money

HubSpot wins YouTube crown Being the social media platform that offers the best ROI for marketers. This is great news for event planners, as video is ideal for event marketing. Video marketing can give users a “backstage pass” to an event or highlight the best moments from last year’s event. Start your video marketing campaign with a short teaser video to build suspense. Then, add a longer video Showcase the best of your event selling point.

Find more marketing insights at Event Planner Expo 2025

Algorithm updates, new artificial intelligence, and changing demographics make your New York event marketing an ongoing learning process. Get ahead of the game at the top annual New York City conference – Event Planner Expo. There, you’ll learn about the latest event industry trends, including how to rise above the internet noise. Book your exhibitor booth Now you can join the ranks of the best of the best!

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