FLETF identifies new high-priority sectors in updated UFLPA
On July 9, 2024, the Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force (FLETF) released its annual updated guidance for implementing the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFLPA”) in a report to Congress titled “2024 Update on the Strategy to Prevent the Importation of Goods Mined, Produced, or Manufactured with Forced Labor in the People’s Republic of China” (“Updated UFLPA Strategy”). This report is the second update to the strategy since the UFLPA came into effect in June 2022. Since the first update to the strategy, released on July 26, 2023, the FLETF has significantly expanded the UFLPA Entity List and designated three additional high-priority enforcement industries: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), aluminum, and seafood. Between July 26, 2023 and June 12, 2024, 38 new entities were added to the UFLPA Entity List, which now contains a total of 68 entities. The FLETF has also updated its methodology for designating entities to the UFLPA Entity List. Beginning May 17, 2024, the FLETF began individually counting…