Hungary: Software Procurement - Precautions
Hungary: Software Procurement – Precautions

in short In the case of developing customized software, it is important to maintain rights with the developer. For “off-the-shelf” software, it is key to correctly reflect the buyer’s specific needs in the licensing terms. Whether existing software can be legally customized may be materially dependent on subsequent development technical details and the licensing terms of the existing software. Software support services should be considered during the procurement process. If you use software to process confidential information, the key is secret protection and data protection compliance. Digital transformation has become a priority for all major companies. This is only further driven by the spread of AI business use cases and the ever-increasing data protection and cybersecurity regulations. However, procurement of enterprise software (which involves the development of customized software and the development of "off-the-shelf" software for large-scale use) can cause various legal issues. Quickly identifying and addressing these issues can help prevent significant legal and operating expenses and other inconveniences.…