Welcome to TSU. This is going to be an unusual episode, but we are in different times now!
I’ll give you a quick update on what’s happening in the trade show and live event industry, share a comment from an industry leader, and then give you some words to help drive your results.
If you’ve been listening to some of my shows over the past few months, you know that I’m a big proponent of resuming live events. I’m also a big proponent of getting results! I know that for the vast majority of people right now, virtual is the way to go. That’s why I’ve been covering tips and methods for getting better results from virtual events. I’ll continue to do so and cover new platforms and initiatives in the coming months.
However, I want to reiterate how important it is to resume live events. Cancelling live events will affect many jobs and will also wipe out many economic benefits.
First there are the event venues and their staff, the marketing and planning firms, the printing and display companies, and everyone involved in travel—including airlines, rental car companies, Uber and taxis, hotels, parking, restaurants, catering, etc. Not to mention all the tax benefits that come to the host city from the influx of money.
In Episode 41, I spoke with 3 of the leaders of the Go Live Together initiative, including the CEO of IAEE, the CEO of CEIR (Center for Exhibition and Industry Research), and the SVP of Strategy at Freeman. They talked about the $1 trillion+ impact that live performances and events have on the world economy. $1 trillion! Think about that. Over 1 million jobs impacted.
So virtual events are great, and increasingly effective. You have to take advantage of every opportunity you get. But it will never fully replace the opportunity and reach of live events!
That’s the key – and I mentioned it in the Go Live Together show. Think about those serendipitous opportunities – those chance encounters. The person you sit next to at lunch, or at a seminar, or somewhere else. Those simply don’t happen in the virtual world.
Or maybe that little company you’ve never heard of lands a big client because they did something at the show that caught the attention of the attendees. Or maybe that big client is the guy they sat next to at lunch! All of these opportunities are virtually gone.
Health and safety are the main barriers right now. Show organizers around the world and organizations like Go Live Together are working together and with government leaders to make these venues and events as safe as possible so we can get people back to work, get $1 trillion back into the economy, and give everyone opportunity again.
A recent survey by Enigma Research and Exhibitor Magazine showed that 89% of attendees who had attended a live event in the past two years would go to another event in the future. So, people do want to!
I encourage you to go back and watch Episode 41 of Go Live Together — such an important episode! If you are hosting a virtual trade show, I have several episodes with tips and tricks to make the most of these events.
Before we move on to the next topic, let’s talk about the problem that plagues many exhibitors – poor and unsatisfactory exhibition results. Do you know what the primary reason for a company’s poor performance at an exhibition is?
The number one reason companies don’t get the expected results from these activities is that they don’t set good and specific goals!
I’m here to help you improve your grades! 👈
Get my exclusive Ultimate Goal Setting Workbook for Trade Shows, Events & Expos for FREE!! 🔥
This workbook will guide you through the following SMART goal-setting process:
✅ Create your primary indicator
✅ Pre-performance goals
✅ Program objectives
✅ Post-performance goals
✅ Personal goals
✅ And much more!
⭐️ Plus there’s a brand new section on must-dos at virtual trade shows and events!
This will be a great resource for your company and help you improve your bottom line. And it’s absolutely free!
💥 Simply visit www.TradeShowU.biz to get your copy! Get it today because this information can literally double your results! So pause now and head over to tradeshowu.biz! I can’t wait to get it in your hands!
I want to spend a few minutes talking about mindset. This is the strangest, most uncertain time in our history. I keep talking to companies who say they’ve decided not to host any type of show for the rest of 2020 or even 2021.
They are looking at the short-term savings from travel, booth space, booth shipping and all the other expenses of a trade show. They compare those savings to how their past shows have performed and say, maybe we won’t do another show.
Don’t make this mistake. There are many benefits and intangible things to participating in exhibitions. For example, brand promotion,
Hear me out when I say this – I want to be very clear, so please listen to me. If you are not getting the results you need or expect from a show, then it’s probably not the show’s fault. You need to make a change. Period.
You have to have a plan of attack for these shows. You need the whole team to be on the same page, and everyone has to have a goal and be ready to perform. Be ready to make connections. Be ready to achieve your goals.
I’ve helped companies double their sales through show after show – and it’s not that hard to do. It just takes some planning, strategy, and training. I even had one listener say they got a 250% increase in leads just from listening to the podcast! That even blew my mind!
So just tune in to past episodes for all the tips, information, and expert interviews. This stuff is super helpful, and it’s free! If you need help getting to the next level, reach out to me! I’d love to help!
But it’s not about me – it’s about you. And your mindset. If you’ve made a commitment and investment in a show – virtual, live, whatever – go for it! Commit that this will be the best show you’ve ever done! Get my goal setting workbook on my website tradeshowu.biz and put it into action!!
You got it. You deserve it, and your company deserves it! You’ve invested too much time, money, energy, and resources to not get a great return! So make the commitment!
Are you with me? If I haven’t lost you and you’re nodding right now, great! Let’s get started!
Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this, I would really appreciate you leaving a review! I love reading these! And subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!
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