Guangzhou International Bags & Leather Goods Exhibition (CBE) is the best one-stop shopping platform for mid-to-high-end bags, leather goods and handbags in Asia. The industry once again affirmed that the exhibition is a professional exhibition of luggage, handbags and leather goods in mainland China, and is also one of the one-stop shopping platforms in Asia for finished luggage, materials and machinery.
Chinese luggage production accounts for more than 70% of the global share. At present, Guangdong Province’s overall production technology level, production scale, product quality and innovation capabilities all occupy a leading position in the country. As the Pearl River Delta is adjacent to Hong Kong and Macau, it has the advantage in terms of product fashion information and access to the latest materials. Therefore, product design and technical level occupy a leading position in the industry. Leather goods production includes popular materials, design, originality, technology and leather, information services and other supporting industries are comprehensive. Guangdong has become the country’s most important leather goods production, development and sales base and the leather goods information center. The value of export deliveries accounts for more than one third of the country, and its status is very important. Purchasing in Guangdong has become the consensus of many domestic and foreign traders.
The latest Guangzhou International Bags and Leather Goods Exhibition (CBE) had an exhibition area of 36,800 square meters, with a total of 632 exhibitors. It attracted a total of 35,762 visitors and professional buyers from 27 countries and regions to visit and purchase. including around 48% foreign buyers. Well-known brand companies gathered together, and some large companies launched special exhibitions of new products, setting off a wave of franchise craze. A considerable number of franchisees called the organizing committee to inquire about franchise issues.(The copyright of this article belongs to Juzhan, and no transmission is permitted without consent)
Guangzhou International Bags and Leather Goods Exhibition (CBE) has a special area for investment in department stores Hang Lung International, Meilong Town, Ganghui Plaza, Bailian Group, Golden Eagle International, Hong Kong Plaza, Times Square, World Trade International and Modern Department. Store, Friendship Mall and other major on-site department store locations.
Exhibition scope:
Fashion bags, leather goods, branded luggage, leather goods and finished products for handbags, belt accessories, leather goods/belts, leather fabrics, accessories, equipment and machinery technologies for luggage and leather goods
Handbags, shopping bags, packaging bags, advertising bags, gift bags, velvet bags, Oxford bags, non-woven bags and other environmentally friendly fabric bags and related material machinery
Information publications, books, etc.(The copyright of this article belongs to Juzhan, and no transmission is permitted without consent)
This information is compiled and edited by, a service platform that collects information on the time and location of world exhibitions, ticket purchases, booth requests, exhibitor lists and catalogs of conferences. Please indicate the source if it is reproduced.
Guangzhou International Luggage and Leather Goods Exhibition
Accommodation area: Guangdong
Exhibition date: May 14, 2025 – May 16, 2025
Opening and closing hours: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Accommodation Address: No. 630-638, Xingang East Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou (next to Canton Fair, Exit F of Xingang East Subway Station)
Exhibition area: 36,800
Number of viewers: 35762
Holding period: once a year
Sponsor: CBE Organizing Committee
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