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Hungary: Restrictions on the employment of migrant workers

From January 1, 2025, employment residence permits and guest worker residence permits will only be issued to a very limited group of people

in short

As of January 1, 2025, only citizens of Georgia and Armenia are eligible for employment residence permits and guest worker residence permits. This marks a significant tightening of previous rules, which previously allowed citizens of 10 countries to obtain residence permits for guest workers, while there were no such restrictions on residence permits for employment purposes. While the changes will not affect currently valid licenses, the new rules will apply to all newly issued licenses.

As of January 1, 2025, Government Decree No. 450/2024 (XII.23.) on the employment of guest workers in Hungary has entered into force. According to the decree, only citizens of the countries listed in Annex 1 can obtain a residence permit for employment purposes or a residence permit for guest workers. Currently, Annex 1 only covers Georgia and Armenia. The new restrictions do not affect ongoing immigration procedures as of December 31, 2024, nor the validity of residence permits issued on that date. Extension of the license was also possible under the old rules. However, new licenses can only be issued under the new decree.

According to the above-mentioned decree, the countries listed in Annex 1 are countries with which Hungary or the European Union has concluded a readmission agreement. Generally speaking, only citizens of these countries can obtain an employment residence permit or a guest worker residence permit. However, citizens of countries not listed in Annex 1 may also obtain a residence permit if their country has a state-recognized organization or office in Hungary that ensures that its citizens leave Hungary without complying with the regulations. The list of these countries will be announced in a statement by the minister responsible for foreign policy. No such announcement has been made at this time, so employers should monitor this situation in the future.

As these changes come into effect, employers who are unable or unwilling to employ third-country nationals for investment purposes under a seasonal guest worker residence permit or an employment residence permit may choose to apply for a permit applicable to highly skilled individuals or those with specific Ethnic related.

Regarding licenses related to a specific nationality, employers should be aware of the list of countries whose citizens can obtain national cards. Citizens of these countries can live and work in Hungary with relatively few restrictions and favorable conditions.

If no options are available based on nationality, opportunities for highly skilled workers may be considered. For third-country nationals with higher qualifications in the fields of IT, engineering or natural sciences, the Hungarian Card may be applicable. The EU Blue Card could be a solution for people with a different degree and a salary above the special minimum wage.

The Decree of the Minister of National Economy on the total number of employment residence permits and residence permits for guest workers that can be issued in Hungary each year as of January 1, 2025 has been published. According to the decree, the maximum number of such licenses in 2025 is 35,000. Although it is unlikely that the number of licenses issued will exceed this limit due to existing restrictions, employers should keep this in mind in case the state eases restrictions.

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