TT Club, a leading freight insurance specialist, has expressed concern about widespread disregard for container seals in the supply chain, highlighting the key role they play in preventing and identifying cargo theft. While seals are not infallible, they are essential in tracking where, how and by whom theft occurs, yet their importance is often overlooked.
See also: Maintaining Supply Chain Security: Responding to a Surge in Fraud and Cargo Theft
TT Club’s latest security bulletin highlights the need to build a stronger security culture that prioritises the use and inspection of container seals. Despite the availability of various types of seals, from basic plastic seals to advanced digital seals, many supply chain operators fail to recognise their value in maintaining cargo integrity and quickly detecting theft.
TT Club Logistics Risk Manager Josh Finch stressed the importance of properly managing the sealing process and the need for thorough checks at every stage of the supply chain. He warned that ignoring these measures could lead to increased cargo theft and compromise security.
TT Club acknowledges the environmental issues with single-use plastic seals, but highlights the social risks of not addressing cargo theft. The company sees potential in emerging digital seal technology that can provide both security and sustainability benefits.
This security bulletin brings together TT’s own loss prevention advice and collaborative work with other like-minded organisations in the field. From basic descriptions of seal specifications, performance characteristics and benefits to new electronic seals and tracking technologies, from details of criminals’ methods to best practice guidance to combat theft, this bulletin outlines the key role seals should play in an operator’s security processes and culture. Free access here
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