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KLCCBEA 2nd Sustainable Development September » Exhibition City

(Photo caption: (12th from left) KLCC Holdings Group CEO Datuk Shah Mahmood and (11th from left) Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre General Manager John Burke and KLCC regional partners successfully launched the secondnd Lasts until September)

Kuala Lumpur — Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) and its Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Business Event Alliance (KLCCBEA), with the support of KLCC Holdings, today jointly organised the second “Sustainable September” event. “Sustainable September” aims to raise awareness of KLCC BEA’s efforts to enhance the city centre of Kuala Lumpur as a sustainable destination.

Healthy Earth, Healthy You “It was chosen as this year’s theme because it demonstrates the important relationship between the environment around us and our health and wellbeing. How we behave in our environment will have long-term effects on us. Unhealthy lifestyles combined with poor attitudes towards how we use plastics directly impact our health and wellbeing,” said John Burke, General Manager of the Centre.

“Raising awareness of sustainability is an ongoing effort that requires dedication and commitment from every community. We value our strong collaboration with the KLCC Business Events Alliance. KLCC aspires to become a world-renowned SDG hub for leisure and business and I encourage all of us to participate in these activities while making a positive impact on the community and environment around us,” said Datuk Md Shah bin Mahmood, Director and Group CEO of KLCC (Holdings) Berhad.

The primary goal of Sustainable September is to promote exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle and address the obesity problem in Malaysia. Several activities will be held throughout September, including Pound Fit and Yoga. According to a white paper from the Malaysian Ministry of Health, the country has the highest obesity rate in Southeast Asia. The report states that obesity is a strong indicator of the incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). As KLCC Park is an attraction for tourists, visitors, residents and workers in the surrounding area, it provides a suitable venue for hosting open sports activities.

Its second goal is to raise awareness of the importance of recycling. The United Nations Environment Programme states that between 19 and 23 million tonnes of plastic waste enters aquatic ecosystems every year. According to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific’s Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Plastic Pollution Closed Loop Baseline Report, Malaysia generates 161,000 tonnes of plastic waste every year. More than 3,000 tonnes of plastic are released into the environment each year, and 653 tonnes enter waterways as marine litter. This results in microplastics entering the diet of Malaysians, who consume approximately 15 grams of microplastics per month. Immediate action must be taken to spread this awareness from this area to the rest of Malaysia.

Sustainable September 2024 involves seven interrelated UN Sustainable Development Goals: (1) Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, (2) Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, (3) Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, (4) Goal 13: Climate Action, (5) Goal 14: Life Below Water, (6) Goal 15: Life on Land, and (7) Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

“The ‘Sustainable September’ event also highlights the ongoing sustainability work of Alliance partners. Events designed to have a positive impact on the community allow us to give back to the communities surrounding the region,” added John.

To create a lasting impact, Sustainable September also incorporates a philanthropic element aimed at improving the lives of city dwellers. KLCCBEA and regional partners will work closely with URBANICE Malaysia to create liveable cities and develop a legacy framework that will be integrated with the annual event.

“Every step towards sustainability is important,” concluded Datuk Md Shah, “Our launch of Sustainable September is an invitation for Malaysians to examine how we treat our planet and our health. Sustainable efforts are not limited to just one month, but also encompass our micro-habits and attitudes towards the world and the way we live. KLCCBEA’s collective commitment to Sustainable September is a testament to how big impacts start from small changes embraced by the larger community.”

To learn more about Sustainable September and KLCCBEA’s commitment to sustainability, please visit here.

About Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is an AIPC Gold Standard venue and has hosted over 28.6 million visitors. For more information, please visit:

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