JSW MG Motor launched the Windsor EV in India on September 11, 2024 at an entry-level price of Rs 10 lakh (ex-showroom) without the battery. As part of the unique BaaS leasing scheme, customers had to pay Rs 3.5 per km for the battery. Now, a week later, MG has revealed the complete price list of its third electric vehicle in India, which does not apply to the BaaS model and hence includes the battery cost. The newly launched EV with battery is priced at Rs 13.5 lakh for the base variant Excite and Rs 15.5 lakh for the top variant Essence. On the other hand, the mid-range Exclusive variant is priced at Rs 14.5 lakh. All prices are ex-showroom.
Also read: MG Windsor EV vs Tata Punch EV Specifications Comparison: What are the differences?
Sharing his thoughts on the model launch, Satinder Singh Bajwa, Chief Commercial Officer, JSW MG Motor India said, “MG Windsor will enable customers to upgrade to an EV lifestyle through its attractive packaging and pricing. We are confident that this will incentivize more potential customers to adopt EVs, driving the transition to a greener future.”
MG Windsor EV: Design
MG’s third electric car is a rebadged version of the international-spec Wuling Yun EV, with an elegant, minimalist look and a crossover body. It features a charging cap on the left front fender, full-width light bars at both the front and rear ends, a short hood with a wide-sloping windshield, flush door handles, a closed grille, an illuminated MG badge (front), vertically mounted headlamps, and diamond-cut 18-inch alloy wheels.
MG Windsor EV: Interior and features
The new MG EV’s cabin features a 15.6-inch ‘Grandview’ main touchscreen, an 8.8-inch digital instrument cluster, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. It also gets a four-way electrically adjustable passenger seat, a 9-speaker Infinity sound system, a 360-degree surround-view camera system, a leather-wrapped double-spoke steering wheel, 256 multi-color LED ambient lighting, 135-degree reclining rear Aero-Lounge seats, a panoramic glass roof, 3-passenger rear seats with three-point seatbelts and adjustable headrests, connected car technology and rear air-conditioning vents. On the safety front, the MG vehicle comes with a host of features including Electronic Stability Control (ESC), six airbags and a Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS).
Also read: MG Comet EV, ZS EV with BaaS plan launched in India, price starts at Rs 4.99 lakh
MG Windsor EV: Battery
The MG Windsor EV is powered by a permanent magnet synchronous motor and an IP67-rated 38kWh battery. The motor has a maximum output of 134bhp and a peak torque of 200Nm. The EV has an ARAI-certified range of 332km on a single full charge. It has four driving modes: Eco+, Eco, Normal and Sport.
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