Hero MotoCorp has launched the new Destini 125 in India after launching it in September last year. The second-generation scooter is available in three variants: VX, ZX and ZX+ priced at Rs 80,450, Rs 89,300 and Rs 90,300 (ex-showroom) respectively. The VX model is available in the attractive colors of Timeless White, Imperial Black and Stylish Red. The ZX variant, meanwhile, comes in eye-catching Cosmic Blue and Mystic Magenta hues. The ZX+ variant, on the other hand, offers a choice between Eternal White and Imperial Black. Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know about the scooter.
New Hero Destini 125: design and features
The Hero scooter has a sophisticated design highlighted by projector LED headlights, unique H-shaped LED daytime running lights, sturdy metal front fenders, repositioned turn signals and stylish new LED tail lights.
Also read: 2024 Hero Destini 125 VX, ZX, ZX+ variants explained: What’s the difference?
In addition to an updated design, the new Destini 125 also boasts a host of technology enhancements. Entry-level models have an analog instrument cluster with a small LCD display, while ZX and ZX+ models offer a more advanced digital console. The digital unit comes equipped with Bluetooth connectivity, route-planning navigation, Hero’s i3s start-stop system, segment priority auto-cancel indicator function, backlit start button and convenient rear seat backrests for added comfort.
The two-wheeler comes standard with Combined Brake System (CBS), trunk light, side stand engine cutout, external fuel filler and USB charging port.
New Hero Destini 125: Powertrain and Hardware
The Destini 125 retains its familiar 124.6cc, single-cylinder, air-cooled engine that produces 9bhp and 10.4Nm of torque. However, Hero has modified the chassis for enhanced performance and handling. The scooter has a fuel efficiency of 59 km/l (as per ICAT test) and the suspension uses telescopic front forks and rear mono-shock absorber. Braking hardware includes drum brakes on base models and disc-and-drum units on ZX and ZX+ models.
Also read: Hero MotoCorp announces ‘Hero For Startups’ accelerator program
The updated scooter comes with 12-inch alloy wheels, available only on the ZX+ variant, paired with wider 100/80-12 rear tyres. The upgrade extends the wheelbase to 1,302 mm, an increase of 57 mm. The scooter has a ground clearance of 785 mm and offers the highest ride height in its segment. It also comes with a 5-liter fuel tank and 19 liters of under-seat storage space.
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