Oben EV recently launched its first electric bike in India. The company’s first product is called Oben Rorr and its ex-showroom price in Maharashtra starts at Rs 99,999 (after FAME II and state government subsidies). The new Oben Rorr EV is a sleek looking electric bike and it is claimed that this Indian electric bike can travel 200 kms on a full charge. Here are all the details about it.
Price and availability
The new Oben Rorr e-bike starts at Rs 99,999, ex-showroom in Maharashtra (after FAME II and state government subsidies). However, the all-India ex-showroom price is generally Rs 1.25 lakh. The bookings for the e-bike have already started and the company says deliveries will start in July this year.
Battery, Range, and Charging Time
The new Oben Rorr EV is equipped with a 4.4 kWh lithium-ion battery pack housed in an aluminum casing. The company claims that it can travel 200 km on a full charge in ideal conditions and 150 km in real-world conditions. Talking about charging time, the electric car maker says that the new e-bike can be fully charged in just 2 hours.
Motors and performance
In terms of performance, the Oben Rorr electric bike is equipped with an electric motor with a peak power of 10 kW. It produces a peak torque of 62 Nm. Moreover, the company claims that it can accelerate from 0 to 40 km/h in just 3 seconds. The Oben Rorr EV has three riding modes: Eco, Normal, and Sport. Moreover, the top speed of this electric bike is 100 km/h.
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