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Park litigation transfer to Tennessee

Ohio’s collective lawsuit has now joined the Tennessee lawsuit to resolve General Motor’s transfer to the park lawsuit.

— General Motors’ “Shutter Park” lawsuit in Ohio has been transferred to the Federal Court of Tennessee in order to merge the case with a separate “transfer to the park” litigation of the same lawyer.

Ohio’s turn to the park’s collective litigation allegations that there are defects in the following vehicles:

  • 2017-2019 Gimci Acadia

  • 2019 Chevrolet Blazers

  • 2016-2019 Chevrolet Mai Rui Bao

  • 2018-2019 Chevrolet Hengyue

  • 2016-2019 Chevrolet Vo Lama

According to GM’s lawsuit, the vehicle cannot detect when the driver will replace the gearbox to the parking file. This will lead to a news that warn the driver “change to parking space”.

General Motor driver argued that when the news appeared, they could not turn off the vehicle, even if the gear bar showed that the vehicle was in a parking state. The driver also complained that the door was unable to lock in this case, which forced the driver to shake the gear bar.

According to the GM owner who mentioned a collective lawsuit:

“In order to allow his vehicle to detect the shift rod is actually in the” parking “position, the plaintiff was forced to swing repeatedly to swing the gear pole, switching the gear, or starting the engine and then turned off the engine.”

The plaintiff filed a “turn to the park” lawsuit in Ohio in March 2021, but before that, Tennessee also filed another lawsuit called “Jefferson” called “Jefferson’s Cost of General Motors”.

The two sides reached the principles of settlement in the lawsuit of the litigation of Hetansen, Ohio, which is why the Ohio case has now been transferred to Tennessee.

Before the transfer, the reconciliation agreement of Ohio to the park includes these specific customers.

(1) The initial buyer and lessean of new vehicles (2017-2019 GMC Acadia, 2019 Chevrolet Blazer, 2016-2019 Chevrolet Malibu, 2018-2019 Chevrolet Traverse or 2016-2019 Chevrolet Volt vehicle Ohio State; and (2) Seeking the problem of transmission rods involved during the warranty period; and (3) did not provide silicon -free parts. “

As for the previous Tennesi State’s shift to the park lawsuit, including the initial buyer and lessee of the 2017-2018 new GMC Acadia SUV, which was purchased or leased in Tennessee.

General Motors’ proceedings to move to the park will be discussed in the Western District Court of Tennessee.

When more details about General Motor’s transfer of litigation and reconciliation in the park, will update our website.

(Tagstotranslate) Turn to Park Litigation (T) Class (T) Litigation (T) Lise (T) Protocol (T) Gear (T) Shift (T) Shake (T) Park (T) GMC Acadia (T) Chevrolet development (T) Chevrolet Mai Ruibao (T) Chevrolet Hengyue (T) Chevrolet bolt (T) gearbox (T) shift (T) door

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