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Sponsorship strategies that get results – trade shows

Recently, Al Mercuro invited me to contribute to his “Daily Industry Jargon” series on LinkedIn, and I shared a basic definition of sponsorship, as well as one of the key tips for exhibitors to consider:

Al Mercuro's Linkedin post discusses the benefits of sponsoring at trade shows to gain exposure, citing Marlys Arnold's book

But there are so many more ideas for using sponsorships at trade shows!

For starters, it’s important to know what your sponsorship goals are – what do you want to achieve?

Understanding this will help you determine which sponsorship makes the most sense. For example, if you want to connect with attendees, it doesn’t make much sense to spend money on tote bags with your logo.

But sponsorships are often bland and simply create a sea of ​​signs around the convention center. So why not keep things interesting?

Here are some examples that go beyond logos to let you get creative:

If you need more inspiration, here are some posts from the Trade Show Insights archives:

What types of creative sponsorships have you seen or used? Please share in the comments!

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