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Success Story: Bathawk International Aircraft Company

Success Story: Bathawk International Aircraft Company

South African companies such as Mpumalanga-based Bathawk International Aircraft are benefiting from the trade and investment opportunities created by South Africa’s BRICS membership.

Trade and investment opportunities created by BRICS countries Bathawk International Aircraft Corporation It will expand and export its light sport aircraft to other BRICS countries, especially China and India, and plans to expand into the Brazilian market in the future.

Terry Pappas, managing director of Bathawk International Aircraft Company, said they began exporting to China after visiting China as part of an external sales mission organized by Bathawk International Aircraft Company. Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) 2015. He said they had a partner in China who assisted them in moving four aircraft as part of the aircraft testing.

The company has also secured a multi-million dollar partnership and export contract with India’s Max-Link Adventure Sports Club and is on another Indian export mission with DTIC.

Pappas emphasized the need for open free trade within the BRICS countries to stimulate economic growth and further promote trade and investment among member countries.

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