Japan: Recent amendments to the Anti-Unfair Practices Act
Japan: Recent amendments to the Anti-Unfair Practices Act

in short A law amending the Unreasonable Premiums and Misleading Statements Act ("Behavior") effective October 1, 2024.1 The Consumer Affairs Agency roughly divides the amendments into three categories: "promoting voluntary efforts by entrepreneurs," "strengthening deterrence of violations," and "enacting regulations to ensure smooth implementation." In this alert, we provide a brief introduction and overview of the revisions. (1) Introduction to commitment procedures The most noteworthy aspect of these amendments is the introduction of a commitment procedure.2 Before the revision, there was no system for evaluating entrepreneurs' proactive measures to correct and prevent recurrence of violations. The undertaking procedure enables entrepreneurs suspected of making misleading statements, etc., to avoid administrative processing (e.g. action orders3 or administrative fine ("surcharge")Payment Order), prepare and submit a corrective action plan and obtain approval from the Prime Minister. (2) The surcharge refund system is more flexible Article 10 of the Law stipulates that a specific consumer who engages in a transaction of goods or services involving…

United States: Federal Trade Commission finalizes amendments
United States: Federal Trade Commission finalizes amendments

in short Federal Trade Commission (FTC) commissioners vote unanimously to issue final rule1 By the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (collectively, the "mechanism"), update the pre-merger notification rule ("rule") Implementing the Hart Scott Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act ("High-Speed ​​Rail Bill”), including significant changes to the HSR form. The much-anticipated final changes to high-speed rail rules and forms were met with harsh criticism and resistance after they were published in June 2023, marking a significant step back from the more comprehensive reforms initially proposed. However, the final rule will significantly increase the high-speed rail compliance burden on all parties. As reflected in the Commission's statement when it issued the final rule, significant changes were made to the proposed rule to address concerns raised in hundreds of public comments and to acknowledge potential legal challenges to the final rule. The changes appear to be necessary to accommodate the views of the FTC's…

Saudi Arabia: Amendments to Saudi Labor Law
Saudi Arabia: Amendments to Saudi Labor Law

brief On August 6, 2024, the Council of Ministers approved the Saudi Labor Law (hereinafter referred to as theRevisionThe decree will come into force within 180 days of publication in the Umm Al Qura (Official Gazette), and we expect it to come into force within two weeks. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (“Ministry of Human Resources and Social SecurityThe committee published proposed amendments to these provisions for public consultation in 2020 and 2021. More than 1,300 participants, including private and government entities and human resources experts, commented on the proposed amendments through surveys, workshops, and consultation sessions. Based on broad labor market input and extensive benchmarking of other countries’ labor laws and global practices, the amendments are intended to further align with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 by creating a more attractive working environment for employees, enhancing job security, protecting the rights of both parties, developing human capital, and promoting training opportunities. The amendments refer to the implementing regulations…

Argentina: Recent amendments applicable to foreign companies
Argentina: Recent amendments applicable to foreign companies

brief Resolution No. 64/2024 (“solve"),Depend on Buenos Aires Province Incorporated Provincial Administration The DPPJ established a new regulatory framework for companies established abroad to register in Argentina as branches or participate in local companies. The new regulation applies to foreign companies that are already registered with the DPPJ, as well as foreign companies that are in the process of registering or will be registered with the DPPJ after the resolution comes into effect on July 17, 2024. content Learn More Regulatory changes General Comments Initial Registration and General Requirements Subsequent registration Regulatory changes The resolution stipulates that foreign companies with registered offices in the Province of Buenos Aires (PBA), as well as companies registered, in the process of registration or about to be registered with the DPPJ, must comply with the provisions of the resolution. The following are the most relevant regulatory items of the resolution: General Comments Jurisdiction. The DPPJ will only register foreign companies that apply for registration…