Have fun in meetings
Have fun in meetings

Full Service Event Management Company Bishop McCann has announced its new proprietary happiness indexan innovative measurement tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to quantify attendee engagement and experience in real time. This tool leverages cutting-edge technology and is designed to help planners quickly understand what truly resonates with audiences during an event, thereby creating more impactful and joyful events. A new standard for measuring event success Historically, post-event surveys have been the primary way to measure event success, relying on participants to recall what they learned or how they felt. These one-dimensional surveys don’t provide a clear picture of attendees’ current level of engagement, a measure that is critical to event planners’ success. The Happiness Index is changing that by using a combination of artificial intelligence tools, including facial analysis and wearable technology, to provide instant, more accurate, science-based measurements of attendee emotions and reactions. “With the Happiness Index, we are moving beyond vanity metrics like five-star ratings. Our approach…