The Young Professional’s Guide to Goals: Prepare Yourself
CHICAGO — As we enter a new year, it’s important to set or reevaluate professional and personal goals for the coming year. From SMART goals to the 5 Cs or 5 Fs of goal setting, there are many ways to keep your goals in check and set yourself up for success. Trade show executives took direction from leading business experts and sources to create a A Guide to Goals for Young Professionals Help launch efforts to achieve performance excellence in 2025 and beyond. set your goals When it comes to brainstorming your goals for the year (or any time period), many experts recommend starting with the SMART approach. Making sure your goals are smart means you make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Another imperative is to have a “why” behind your goals that aligns with your professional and personal values. Having a strong reason behind your goals will help you feel connected to the results you…
Q&A with Questex CEO Paul Miller
CHICAGO — Paul Miller, chief executive of event organizer Questex, has led the company to record revenue and profit growth. trade show director (TSE) spoke to Paul about his storied career and what he learned on his way to the top. ANDREW: How did you get started working in the events industry? Paul: I went to college to study media and I thought I would be a sports commentator on TV. I ended up working in B2B media in the UK through a recruitment agency... I spent the first ten years of my career working in media until our company was acquired in 1999 - and that company ran events. ANDREW: What inspires your passion for events? Paul: What pleasantly surprised me at the event was that you can complete the entire buyer's journey in three days: people are discovering new solutions and products and trying them, they are evaluating and, in some cases, buying products based on the event…