Making festivals count: EIF launches new UK festival data
A new UK festival data map has been launched, mapping more than 850 festivals taking place in England, Wales and Scotland in 2024, where music is a vital part of entertainment.The free, open UK music festival resource is designed to update and help the industry count festivals, artists plan tours and fans discover new events in their area.Commissioned by Steve Heap, the retiring general secretary of the Association of Festival Organizers, with Enhanced IF and livea UK festival data tool created by Chris Carey of FastForward Events, with funding from the Events Industry Forum (main funder) and LIVE (supporter).Launched on the 14thth In January 2025, content on the EIF website will be monitored and updated by the Fast Forward Events team for the first three months, before its maintenance will be handed over to the Association of Independent Festivals (AIF) for ongoing maintenance.Steve Shipp "When I retire, after 38 years managing the AFO, I want to leave behind answers to…