Jimmy Garrett's career - a happy accident
Jimmy Garrett’s career – a happy accident

Garretts and his traveling game show gear, a bass drum stand converted into a standing desk, along the Seattle waterfront near the Seattle Flyer ||Photo by Patrick TakwattAlthough Jimmie Galaites didn't intentionally choose a career in event planning, he now brings drive, vision and originality to his role as creative director planning events at Seattle's Event Experience. A classically trained actor, Garretts was pursuing a life on the big stage, and when he stumbled into the world of conference and event planning, you might say it was a happy accident."My day job is as a tea captain at Lady Mendl's Tea Salon in New York City," he explains. "Lady Mendl's offers afternoon tea every day and is very popular for baby showers and bridal showers. So, I stumbled into event planning. At the salon, events are basically carbon copies of each other - with a set start and end The hours, the menus are always the same, and the flow…