Why does the car make noise when turning the steering wheel?
As vehicles age, they occasionally make strange noises due to wear and tear on the vehicle. These noises can be a warning sign that repairs are needed. If your car makes a noise when you turn the steering wheel, this could indicate a problem with your suspension or steering system. Damage to your suspension or steering components can pose a significant risk to your safety and your vehicle. If you hear strange noises, we can help you figure out the cause and what to do about it. Read on to learn more about why your vehicle may be experiencing unusual steering wheel noises. We also invite you to call us at (773) 219-1592 to schedule a service appointment. At Bucaro Brothers, we have been diagnosing and solving all types of automotive problems for over 35 years! Reasons why cars make noise when turning If you're asking, "Why does my car make a noise when I turn a steering wheel?" the…