Tata Motors has launched special offers called “Auto Festival” on some of its ICE (internal combustion engine) models, including Tiago, Nexon, Harrier, Tigor, Altroz and Safari. The offers include cash discounts of up to Rs 1.8 lakh and additional benefits of Rs 45,000. Unfortunately, the new Altroz Racer, Curvv, Punch and Tata EV are not eligible for these offers. If you are looking to buy a Tata car this month, here is the latest list of prices of various models after the discounts.
Model Name | Starting Price | Savings (depending on model) |
Tata Tiago | 4.99 lakhs | Up to Rs. 65,000 |
Tata Tigor | 5.99 lakhs | Up to Rs. 30,000 |
Tata Alteroz | 6.49 lakhs | Up to Rs. 45,000 |
Tata Nexon | 7.99 lakhs | Up to Rs. 80,000 |
Tata Harrier | INR 14.99 lakh | Up to Rs. 16 lakh |
Tata Safari Park | 15.99 lakhs | Up to Rs. 18 lakh |
Discounts on Tata Tiago, Tigor, Altroz and more
The Tata Tiago starts at Rs 4.99 lakh with savings of up to Rs 65,000 depending on the model chosen. Its sibling Tigor starts at Rs 5.99 lakh with savings of up to Rs 30,000 depending on the model. The Altroz starts at Rs 6.49 lakh while the Nexon starts at Rs 7.99 lakh, a reduction of Rs 45,000 and Rs 80,000 respectively.
Also read: Top 5 best-selling cars in August 2024: Maruti Suzuki Brezza, Hyundai Creta, Tata Punch, etc.
Among these models, the Tata Harrier (Rs 14.99 lakh) and Safari (Rs 15.99 lakh) are getting discounts of up to Rs 1.6 lakh and Rs 1.8 lakh respectively. As mentioned earlier, in addition to these discounts, Tata Motors will also offer benefits of up to Rs 45,000. It is worth noting that these offers are valid till October 31, 2024.
Talking about the festive offers, Vivek Srivatsa, Chief Commercial Officer, Tata Passenger Electric Vehicles Ltd. said, “With the festive season upon us, we are delighted to offer a host of attractive offers to our valued customers. This year’s festive celebrations include limited-time offers, attractive price cuts, and compelling exchange and cash benefits, with total benefits of up to Rs. 2.05 lakh on internal combustion engine vehicles, making it the perfect time to embrace the spirit of new beginnings. We are confident that customers will grab this great opportunity to own a Tata car and bring home the safest and best-engineered car, making this festive season truly special.”
Also read: Tata Curvv AT complete price list announced, price starts at Rs 1.25 lakh
In terms of competition, Tata Tiago competes with Maruti Suzuki WagonR, Citroen C3 and Maruti Suzuki Celerio, while Tigor competes with Hyundai Aura, Honda Amaze and Maruti Suzuki Dzire. Altroz competes with Maruti Suzuki Baleno, Toyota Glanza and Hyundai i20. On the other hand, Nexon competes with models like Kia Sonet and Hyundai Venue. In comparison, Harrier and Safari face stiff competition from MG Hector, Jeep Compass and Mahindra XUV700.
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