Last month, the price of the top-of-the-line Mahindra XUV700 model was reduced by over Rs 2 lakh. The Indian automaker has now slashed the prices of the entry-level and mid-segment models of the popular SUV. The move will help the company increase the model’s appeal among Indian car buyers. The price cut announcement comes just in time for the festive season, one of the most important seasons of the year when manufacturers see a significant increase in sales. Mahindra expects the price cut to lead to an increase in sales of the XUV700. Read on to know the price details of the various models of the XUV700.
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Mahindra XUV700 SUV: Price cut
As part of the latest price revision, the company has reduced the prices of the base and mid-range variants of the SUV, both petrol and diesel powered. As a result, savings of up to Rs 70,000 are now available on these models. The biggest price cut has been seen on the seven-seater AX5 Diesel AT variant of the Mahindra XUV700 SUV, which is now priced at Rs 70,000 less than before. The model is now priced at Rs 20.39 lakh (ex-showroom). The prices of the seven-seater AX3 Diesel AT and five-seater AX5 Diesel AT variants of the XUV700 have been reduced by Rs 20,000. On the other hand, the seven-seater AX5 Diesel MT variant of the Mahindra XUV700 is now priced at Rs 50,000 less.
Mahindra’s pricing strategy is aimed at making the XUV700 more competitive in the market. According to the company, orders for the top-of-the-line AX7 and AX7 L models have grown threefold after a significant price cut was announced in early July. The AX7 and AX7 L models were previously priced between Rs 21.39 lakh and Rs 26.99 lakh; however, the current pricing range is between Rs 19.49 lakh and Rs 24.99 lakh (all prices are ex-showroom). In July alone, Mahindra received over 10,000 bookings for the XUV700.
Mahindra XUV700 SUV: Powertrain options
Mahindra XUV700 is available with two engine options. These include a 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol engine with 197 hp and 380 Nm of torque, and a 2.2-litre diesel engine with 182 hp and 450 Nm of torque. Both engines are mated to a six-speed manual or automatic gearbox. Some SUV models come with all-wheel drive.
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Mahindra XUV700 SUV: Interior features and safety kit
The high-spec version of the XUV700 gets amenities like adaptive cruise control, ventilated seats, wireless charger, panoramic sunroof, 360-degree camera, dual 10.24-inch displays (one for infotainment screen and one for digital instrument cluster) with wireless Apple Carplay and Android Auto, multiple driving modes, six-way power seats with memory function, push-button start and dual-zone climate control.
Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), seven airbags, Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) and auto-boost headlights are just a few of the many safety features of the XUV700. The SUV’s five-star rating in the Global NCAP crash test is a result of these features. The all-wheel drive technology available on select variants of the XUV700 improves traction and control, making it one of the safest cars in India.
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