Ultraviolette Automotive has launched the F99 Factory Racing Platform, touted as India’s first superbike. Designed and built entirely at Ultraviolette’s R&D headquarters in Bengaluru, the F99 will challenge Indian motorcycle speed records in the coming months.
First unveiled as a concept at the EICMA motorcycle show in Milan in 2023, the F99 has now entered the pre-production prototype stage, bringing Ultraviolette’s vision of “Designed in India, for the World” closer to reality. With more than double the power output of existing production motorcycles from Indian manufacturers, the F99 promises to enhance India’s reputation in the high-performance motorcycle segment.
Breaking records
Over the next 90 days, F99 aims to set two key records for Indian Motorcycle:
- Top speed
- Fastest Quarter Mile
These ambitious goals reflect Ultraviolette’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology.
A New Era for Indian Motorcycles
The F99 factory racing platform highlights India’s growing capabilities in innovation and design. Narayan Subramaniam, CEO, Ultraviolette Automotive, stressed that the F99 represents a shift in India’s role in the global automotive market. “For too long, India has been seen as a hub for value engineering products from other companies. With the talent and technology focus we have here, now is the time to dream of building a world-class high-performance motorcycle in India.”
Ultraviolette focuses on racing technology, which is a proving ground for innovation, and the development of the F99 could influence future models. The company’s chief technology officer, Niraj Rajmohan, added that the F99 is a disruptive technology that sets a new benchmark for electric superbikes worldwide. “India is ready to move beyond its reputation for contract manufacturing. With motorcycles like the F99, we can become a leading design and engineering hub for the automotive world.”
Ultraviolette’s expansion plans
Ultraviolette has also expanded its reach with its F77 electric scooter, which is now available in five cities: Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kochi, Ahmedabad and Pune. Next month, the company plans to launch the scooter in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Visakhapatnam and Mangalore.
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