For the upcoming festive season, Adishwar Auto Ride India (AARI) has announced attractive discounts on QJ Motor and Moto Morini best-selling motorcycles such as SRC 250 and e X-Cape 650. Earlier, the company launched a two-year free service package worth up to Rs 30,000 on select Benelli and Zontes models. After the recent discount, the QJ Motor SRC 250 is now available at Rs 1.49 lakh, a significant reduction of Rs 30,000 from its original price of Rs 1.79 lakh.
Also read: Benelli TRK 502, Zontes 350X, etc. can enjoy 2 years of free service, prices start from Rs 2.79 lakh
On the other hand, the SRC 500 is available at a festive price of Rs 1.99 lakh with a saving of up to Rs 40,000. Hence, the QJ Motor range, which includes models like SRC 250, SRV 300 and SRK 400, starts at an attractive price of just Rs 1.49 lakh.
Talking about Moto Morini models, the company has reduced the price of X-Cape 650 (Tourer) from Rs 7.2 lakh to Rs 5.99 lakh, a saving of Rs 1.3 lakh. In comparison, the X-Cape 650X (Adventure) is priced at Rs 6.49 lakh, which is Rs 1.01 lakh lower than its original price of Rs 7.4 lakh. All prices are ex-showroom.
QJ Motor SRC 250, SRC 500: Engine
The entry-level SRC 250 and SRC 500 are both part of QJ Motor’s SRC series. The former is powered by a 249cc parallel twin-cylinder liquid-cooled engine that produces 17.35bhp and 17Nm of power and is mated to a 5-speed gearbox, while the latter is powered by a larger 480cc single-cylinder engine that produces 25.44bhp and 36Nm of power and is mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox.
Also read: Benelli TRK 552X unveiled globally, with a more muscular look and 60 hp parallel twin engine
Moto Morini X-Cape 650, X-Cape 650X: Engine
The X-Cape is powered by a 649cc liquid-cooled twin-cylinder engine that produces 60bhp and 54Nm, which is 5bhp and 7Nm less than its rival, the Kawasaki Versys 650. Its adventure model also uses the same engine.
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